Saturday, September 10, 2011

Oh yeah, baby. 

There's another one on the way.

October 14 - mark your calendars - the third installment of the sexy, dangerous Malathix aliens will be released with Changeling Press. 

Entitled Jagged, it tells the story of Camden Royst - who you might have met in book 1, Soulless - and his soul-bearer, Deidre Parker. They may be bonded, but happily-ever-after is as far away for these two as Camden's home planet. 

I'll post more on this exciting tale as release day draws near, as well as put up a page on my blog to give you bunches of info. Keep your eyes open, and beware of those who live on the path of the straight and narrow - some of them may not be what they seem, and their edges might be a little...jagged.


  1. OH man. I can't WAIT!!! Hurry up and write, write write. So when is book 4 coming out? Is there a book 4?

  2. Chill, chill! :) I love your enthusiasm, however, the MS series will be on hiatus after Camden's story. Sorry. Not sure if there will be any more yet. Trust me, you'll be the first to know if I'm thinking of doing any more. :D
