Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Akk! Tuesday's Over

I don't believe it - Tuesday's practically over and I've been so busy, I forgot to post my News and Updates. So sorry. I usually put this together over the weekend, so I double apologize. Here's a quick run-down... 

Forever Wicked: Serena's Prince, is still a new release at Changeling Press. Grab this hot little twisted fairy tale while it's still *hot*

I've been joining and hooking up with so many groups and loops lately my head is spinning. I have a notebook now of who/what/how of things and pray that it won't take me too long to get into a rhythm of looking, posting, commenting, etc. It may take me some time, but I firmly believe in the learning curve. 

Friday's at the Changeling Press Yahoo Group is the place to be! Every Friday a new theme is posted. EVERYONE is invited to participate - writers and readers alike. I've posted in the last two and it's been so much fun. My first post I even turned it into a super short story. More on this later.

Take it easy, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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