Saturday, March 10, 2012

Today's Pictures celebrate the Tattoo

I HEART (a guy with) TATTOOS

I mean, can you blame me?

I freely admit my fascination with tattoos. 
Despite being the recipient of several myself, I still find them mysterious. 

And sexy as hell. 

When I see a guy with a tattoo I can't help but stare. 
Yes, I do admire the artwork. 

Tattoo artists are truly artists. 

I  look at the picture and lines and details and shading and color work. 

Then I look at the man. 

My perception always changes at this point. 

Why did he get it? 
Why in that particular place? 
What does it mean to him? 
Did it hurt him to the point of biting back a cry of pain...
or a cry of needing to get off? 

I want to know...

Ah, so here's a cheers to your Saturday. 
I will leave you with my favorite photo (of a tattoo). 

May you go out today and look for those mysterious tattoos, and may the mystery of these pieces of art continue to fascinate and draw us in.  

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