Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday News and Updates

Hi All!

I don't know about you, but in my dream world, I get to be in complete control of when I am alone, when I want to be with others and most importantly, when I want/need to write. There will be no interruptions. No having to complete another, non-writing task first. *sigh* Simply the total freedom to write all day, every day, to my inner character's ultimate delights. 

Yeah, we all have to have a dream, right? In the meantime, I'm hitting and missing my writing time, all in the continued effort to satisfy the shadowy figures living inside me. 

Here's what's been going on in my writing world:

  • I've submitted a short, sex-till-you-drop piece. Once I get a thumbs-up, I'll be sure to share more info with you!

  • I'm still super-excited about the release of Serena's Prince. Who doesn't love a twist on a classic? Honestly, if you're familiar with the original frog prince, you know the girl is not very likeable. Her case is further set when she throws the frog across the room. To compound the negative vibes, the resurrected prince falls into her arms, completely in love. Nuh-uh, I don't think so. In my version, the girl is justified and not quite so horrific. Yes, she does throw the frog, but my prince, well...let's just say he's not so eager to declare Serena his happily ever after quite yet. Grab a copy for yourself to see how these lovers unfold their story.

  • Changeling Press is rockin' on the weekends. If you haven't already, jump on their yahoo loop. Every Friday a theme is posted. Writers and Readers alike participate in this Flash Fiction. 150 words (max - give or take) on the theme. The hotter the better! Links to these FF can also be found in Changeling's new and updated Blog!

  • Total E-Bound is going strong with their pre-release ebooks. If you aren't a VIP member yet, why not? Head on over there and join to be able to get hot stories even faster!

  • I'm all demonized now, between last Friday's Flash Fiction Challenge on the Changeling loop and my Christmas short that should see its submission later this week. Yes, demons abound. Let me tell you, sometimes you just have to take that leap to the dark side. More on this Christmas tale as it unfolds. 

Until next time


  1. Yay! Demons all around. Grin. That last FF was fun! Lots coming up for you, too.

  2. Thanks, Wendi. And yeah, even demons need a HEA every now and then. :)
