Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Upcoming Goals

Merry Belated Christmas and Happy Holidays and all that snazzy stuff!

Wow! I've been absent like crazy this past year. Okay, yes, I've been around, but my writing and related events have come to standstill. Personal life can do that to your best intentions sometimes, can't it?

My year of silence is about to end, however, and I'm looking forward to 2017 with words spinning in my head, spreading through my fingers and soon to find their way on the screen. Is it resolutions I'm talking about? Nah. Like I told DH this morning, the implication behind a "resolution," especailly at this time of year, is very negative. Whenever someone mentions resolution, you can't help but think, "yeah, right. Let's see how long this one lasts." It's inevitable. Saying you're making resolutions pratically dooms you to failure.

Instead, I'm making new goals. New Goals. I've had a couple of re-releases this past month as well as making some adjustments in my personal life, and now I'm in a place to make my mark.

So here's an early cheer to all! And do expect some great things to come from me in 2017!


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